PR info
Hi there! You’ve clicked because you want to pitch me something, hire me, or you’re just generally curious. If you are interested in learning more about me email me at sunshine at transforming the now com about any of the possibilities below or if you would like to be forwarded a Media Kit!
Here’s some info about me to help you narrow down whether we’d be a good match.
*I’m from the Greater Vancouver area, in BC, Canada, and am only interested in things that are available to Canadians (that includes reasonable shipping rates to Canada!). I embrace my primarily Canadian readership and don’t want to annoy them by posting about things that aren’t available here. In terms of items for children, I have a female toddler but please keep in mind that this is not a ‘mommy blog’ per se, so it would really have to wow me to be accepted.
*I will only write about items that I’ve personally tried, so I will require a full-sized item to test, and all shipping and fees must be paid by the sender. If I like the product, I will keep it, and other items will be donated or given away. I do not sell items that were sent for review. Reviews will contain my experience with the product and will be genuine, and will also disclose how I’ve been compensated. Local products and services are particularly great! The review will be in my own words as it will contain my own opinion and will appear on my blog. The focus of this blog isn’t about product reviews or ‘stuff’ in general, so I will only write about products that I really, truly, love and think will be useful for my readers. This means I’m quite selective about the products and services I’ll review. If I feel that for some reason I can’t represent your product well on my blog, I will let you know that up front.
*I am most excited about products to do with:
Special events, especially kid-friendly ones in the Vancouver/ Fraser Valley area. I can do non-local events but only if you’re willing to pay transportation, meals and lodging, at least for me. If it’s a lengthy thing, it has to include my family.
Family-friendly vacation destinations
local restaurants
Home decor, home furnishings
restoration on old houses
Great gear for families/kids
movie releases and film screenings
Some charitable causes (particularly local poverty, children’s charities and organ donation)
Various gadgets and geekery
arts and theatre events
beauty and skin care
local products and services
Relevant websites/services to me and my readers (tricky, I know, but there it is!)
*I do host giveaways. Giveaways are great! But make sure that it adheres to the same guidelines. If you are interested in having me host a giveaway of the same type of product or a different one, I am happy to do so—but please do not send me the prize at the same time as the review item. Giveaway prize must be sent directly to the winner and all costs will be paid by the shipper.
*I am also amenable to social media campaigns that fit into these guidelines.
*If you would like to hire me to write an article for you, please e-mail me. I do require payment and rates are available upon request.
*I am currently accepting advertising on my blog. Advertising is hit or miss, so PLEASE NOTE that I can’t promise or guarantee how many people will click on your ad. Relevancy to my reader demographics as well as how snazzy it is will play a large part in how much traffic it gets. There is no discount or refund if an ad doesn’t produce as many hits as you expected. I will refuse ads that offend my particular sense of morality – no hate, porn, gambling, dodgy money lending schemes or anything that refutes general science please! For Rates and Advertising options and Media Kit please contact me directly.
I am Open to the following:
Brand Ambassadorships:
Relationships are something I take seriously, and I will only sign up as an ambassador for a brand that I’m genuinely enthused about and have a spark for. I love to help companies I value, and if my ethos and yours happen to jive, I would love to represent you!
Conference and Event Sponsorship:
If you would like to sponsor me to attend one of the national blogging events Like Comic Con, BlogHer, Blissdom etc, I would be happy to promote your company while networking with hundreds of other bloggers. I can also work on “buzz” campaigns for new products or concepts, and am open to attend a number of blogging events both locally and out of town. Please contact me for further info.
Have a lovely day!